Monday, January 18, 2010

Busting a move...

I’ve been living in Buenos Aires for almost a year now. It’s amazing how fast time flies. There were times I felt things were moving very slowly, but now that I’m leaving, I feel as thought I arrived here only yesterday.

I truly enjoyed living here, getting to know new places and people, receiving guests and having new experiences, but my time here has come to an end. I’ve studied Spanish, volunteered and worked, but now I feel it’s time to bust a move again.

I came to Bs. As. with some money saved up, but sooner or later I knew I had to look for a job. I didn’t want to do corporate-type work so I decided to teach English.

I wasn’t interested in being an English teacher in the beginning, but I wasn’t left with a lot of options since I was living in Bs. As. illegally. With hesitation I emailed a contact for a teaching job that was given to me by a friend from US who was also living in Bs. As. and teaching English.

And so I started teaching. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. I liked “majority” of my students and learned a lot from them about their work, Argentine history and current events. Teaching was also very flexible so I worked as many hours as I wanted.

Teaching definitely did not pay the bills but it paid for my expenses while savings subsidized the rest. As the end of the year approached and my savings has dwindled significantly, I realized I had two options. Option one would be to remain in Bs. As and continue teaching until my money ran out and the second option would be to leave Bs. As. before I depleted my savings and pursue traveling all around South America until my bank account had $0.00. I chose the second option.

I decided to travel as much as my savings would possibly allow me, starting my adventures in Brazil and then moving onto Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Whether I’ll be able to explore all these countries remains questionable, but that’s what I would like to do.

I’m staring my trip by taking an overnight bus to Iguazu Falls (I’m actually writing this on the bus for I accidentally discovered that the bus has wifi) to see the waterfalls, from there, I’ll cross over to the Brazilian side where I’ll start my adventures.

I don’t have my tip planned out. As I get to one destination I’ll figure out my next one.

So that’s the plan...

I’ll do my darnest to write in my blog and document as many adventures as possible…


  1. well if you get bored on the bus you can plan for my arrival = >

  2. Good Luck on your adventure!!! Wish I was with you.

  3. soooooooon, we will alllllllll unite........

  4. Can't wait to read about your aventuras... :)
